Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Fish Camp: Casualty Of The Flood

I don't know how many times I ate there over the years, but the food was always good. Not as many as I would have liked, but a real estate agent has to watch what he spends because it may be a while before another payday comes along. However, just about everyone in Hickman County knows about Fish Camp in Centerville, Tennessee and the fish that they cooked.
Well, it is gone now. A casualty of the "Great Flood Of 2010." If you look at the photos of the flood, you can see that the water almost covered the entire building. Over the last few days it has been torn down. I have been told that a new building will be built in its place. I hope so.
It is a part of Hickman County History.

1 comment:

Dara said...

Any update on The Fish Camp? We loved to eat there when we lived in Nashville and would love to hear it is back, or coming back.